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Brazilian Civil Code And Obligation Of In Laws Towards Elderly People

According to the Brazilian civil code and obligation of in laws towards elderly, the elderly must not face any form of prejudice, and their offspring must take care of them as they get older. The "Estatuto do Idoso" (Elderly Statute) and the "Polictica Nacional de Sade do Idoso" are the two protection systems in place in Brazil (National Health Policy for the Elderly). Seniors have the following rights:

Author:K. N.Oct 10, 2022
According to the Brazilian civil code and obligation of in laws towards elderly, the elderly must not face any form of prejudice, and their offspring must take care of them as they get older.
The "Estatuto do Idoso" (Elderly Statute) and the "Polictica Nacional de Sade do Idoso" are the two protection systems in place in Brazil (National Health Policy for the Elderly). Seniors have the following rights:
  • Utilize the public health network to access complete medical treatment.
  • Get help and receive prosthetics, wheelchairs, glasses, hearing aids, etc.
  • Gain preferential treatment in both public and private facilities.
According to the Brazilian civil code and obligation of in lawstowards elderly, it is required by law to show older people a particular amount of deference.
All commercial and governmental establishments are required by law to offer quick and preferential assistance to people who are over 60. Businesses that don't comply with this risk a fine of up to 2,500 reais, or around $700.
It is not a new law. Seniors were given priority status by banking institutions in 2000, and private firms, primarily shops, were instructed to do the same in 2003. Since then, other corporations have created "caixas preferências," or privileged lines.
The elderly, people with disabilities, and pregnant women can all use these lines. Mothers who bring their kids along can also use them.
An old man in the queue of cash counter at a supermarket
An old man in the queue of cash counter at a supermarket
Seniors can benefit from this opportunity to receive preferential treatment across the country, but those who reside in Fortaleza, a city in northeastern Brazil along the Atlantic Ocean, get even more perks due to their age.
No matter how many people are in line, a May 2014 rule allows seniors and some other people with special needs to skip ahead of the queue whenever and wherever they want.
Unfortunately, some people now feel furious because of the law. They believe that this privilege should be available to those who truly need it, such as the sick or crippled, rather than to all elderly citizens.
Even those who aren't quite older than 60 can find ways to abuse the law. For instance, some individuals use their elderly relatives or acquaintances to run errands. Additionally, some companies employ senior citizens to serve as "office boys."

People Also Ask

How Does Brazil Treat Elderly?

According to Brazilian law, the elderly can't be treated unfairly in any way, and their children must take care of them when they're old.

What Are The Five Most Crucial Rights Of The Elderly?

  • Right under the law to be free to use civil rights.
  • Right to respect and dignity.
  • Right to choose a guardian or a representative.Right not to be abused physically or mentally.
  • Right to talk about treatment, care, or services and to complain about them.
  • Right to be left alone.
  • The right to take part in things.

What Age Is Considered Elderly In Brazil?

The World Health Organization (WHO) says that an older person is one who is 60 years old or older.


Brazilian civil code and obligation of in laws towards elderly says that elderly people can benefit from BPC. Benefit of Continuing Provision (BPC), which is a government program, is a one-time benefit for each person and can't be given to someone else.
It was set up by the Federal Constitution of 1988. It guarantees the transfer of one (1) minimum wage to seniors who are 65 years old or older and can't support themselves or their families.
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K. N.

K. N.

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